
Nathan Franson grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah where he spent his first 20 years in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) before studying his way out of it.  During that time he was baptized into the LDS Church at eight years old.  He served as a deacon at the age of twelve and was ordained with the Aaronic Priesthood.  As a teenager he participated in the ritual of being baptized for the dead.   He was ordained a Priest at the age of sixteen.  Since leaving he has taught and written much about their religion.  He teaches a six-part seminar titled Is Mormonism From God? which includes copious handouts.  There is also a DVD available of the seminar.  Additionally he has written many articles along with a tract on the LDS faith and has appeared on several television and radio programs to discuss his Mormon background.  He currently preaches for the Mariposa church of Christ in Citrus Heights, and lives in California with his wife Katy and son Micah.
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